January 12th 2001 - Slim's, San Francisco, California, USA


  1. Howard
  2. Castaway
  3. No Excuses
  4. Brother
  5. Hellbound
  6. Cut You In
  7. Got Me Wrong
  8. Senator (short ditty from Unplugged before The Killer is Me)
  9. Solitude (he stated it was the "title track".)
  10. Angel Eyes
  11. What it Takes
  12. Spider Bite
  13. Atone
  14. Them Bones


More Photos Here!!

Show Review 1:

Nature Girl:

...Very KICK ASS SHOW, last night...Got many chances to talk with him, plus there was a radio interview (locally) yesterday afternoon...But, in short:

Photo by Trish Lilley

Slim's was small and cozy (cool place)...2 of Jerry's band members were stuck in NY and couldn't make the show, so with borrowed band members from the other bands playing, and a day or two of quick rehersals, the show went on...Jerry sounded good, looked happy, was in such a good mood, and played a mixture of Alice, Boggy and new stuff..There are a lot of pictures coming out of this show everyone was taking pix...The energy was there, the new songs are a mix of slow and killer rockers (I really liked Spider Bites, it also has a tinge of Blues in it, but it rocks)...We got there for sound check and even that kicked ass ....Jerry said during sound check, that he's been living in San Fran for about 4 months, and during the Swarm set they announced the same band line up for a Feb. 8 show too, so it looks like he'll be in S.F. for a while...Jerry announced in his set that his solo is coming out in March, further fueling the impressions that these are warm up shows for a possible tour down the line...The crowd was behind him 100% and he was loving it...He still has his "chick guitar" altho it (and him) are beginning to show some age ...He still has all that HAIR, and a full on beard now..It's the scruffy/mountain man look (Lars had it goin on too, only he didn't look as good as Jerry did )...Swarm was a good band too, very tight...But the crowd was all there for Jerry, and he appreciated it TOTALLY...He sounded strong on the Alice songs, sticking to a harmony treatment or a lead as he had done before..Granted it wasn't the same w/out Layne..But they didn't sound BAD at all, only like something was "missing"....The show had sold out the day before, and we were packed in there like sardines, but it's worth it, hehehe....He did mention still "seeing" Sean, but that was the only band member mentioned (to me), and nothing was said (about AIC) from the stage either...This is definately a Jerry Show, boldly going into the future because he loves playing so much, I think it's the beginning of a cool era..To keep us occupied until (or if) there's any future AIC stuff...His new stuff has some great lyrics, guitar work and his voice is strong and clear...If anyone has the opportunity to see him in these club settings, DON'T MISS IT... ...SHOW WAS GREAT...Jerry was in a great mood...Played a little of the old, and a few new ones too--his regular band wasn't "all there" (two were missing) but they still sounded KICK ASS...NEXT SHOW IS FEB. 8 in San Fran again....We got to talk to him before and after the show ...SOLO DUE OUT IN MARCH...


Photo by Trish Lilley

..and questions answered too ...First of all, Slim's was a VERY COOL venue--no body cavity searches , very lax security (they were actually COOL and FANS too) no camera hassles (too much)...We got there between 5:30 and 6 and were surprised to find Jerry there doing his sound check (so late)..Sounded good!!! So we wandered behind the place into the alley and found Jer's "well used" SUV parked there, so we hung at the door, altho Immortal actually went inside to listen to the sound check, and when Jerry got done walked out right into Foof, (Immortal) and I standing right there (only ones)..We talked briefly and he thanked everyone for the support (so polite, grinn) and promised to catch up with us when he got back at 9 for the show..So we wandered to the front of the building, and Immortal got into a conversation with the "temp guitarist" for Jerry, who told him that the 2 guys (pictured w/Jerry that newspaper shot) were stuck in NY, doing a Who Wants To Be A Millionaire with Regis and couldn't make it back here in time---soooo the drummer and guitarist was "borrowed from" the two other bands playing there and they only had a day or so to rehearse...I met up with all the cool BOARDIES and a couple of people who had driven in from Seattle for the show too..I had heard earlier (during the day) that the show was sold out, confirmed by a security guy that it was sold out the day before the show...

Finally got in at 8 after freezing outside for forever, and the first band: Comes With The Fall was ok, Swarm was pretty cool--very tight band...It was obvious everyone was there to see Jerry tho ...Jerry got on and kicked MAJOR ASS..He played some Alice, some Boggy and some new stuff..And seemed happy/pleased/amazed at the crowd's enthusiasm and sing-along abilities ...He treated us to the "Senator" song and a hillbilly tune or two during lulls, giggles..After the last song I evacuated the front stage (middle left, while Foof and gang was middle right) and headed for the stairway to the lounge area, and after the oncore, caught Jerry again on the stairs, handed him a whole bag of stuff, and got an ok to talk to him later on..After waiting forever, we did get to say a few words to him as he was leaving...Nothing earthshattering, told him the show was great--the new stuff too...Yeah, that's how he looks now, kinda the scruffy/mountain man look..Lars had it too, giggles..The show moved along very well, and the "temp musicians" did a great job under the circumstances..Sound was good, Jerry's voice was great--he had a lot of energy goin on ..He looked happy and like he was havin fun too...He said during the sound check that he's been living in San Fran for about 4 months, and with Swarm announcing all three bands doing a repeat show on Feb. 8th it looks like he'll be hangin there for a while longer as well..Midway thru his set, Jerry announced his new solo will be out in March (altho, I never did get a verification of what label)....

Anyway, Foof (http://www.geocities.com/foofurbunny/aic.htmlhas the setlist she'll be putting up on her site, Nthooze has all the details of the local radio station interview Jerry did, Jerry Junkie and all of us took pictures--so you'll be seeing them too (THOOZE DON'T FORGET TO DEVELOP THESE, ok, giggles)...From what he said to me, Jerry still keeps in touch with Sean (etc.) so that was good to hear...The next show (2/8) is probably a more true to form presentation of how his new stuff will be sounding, when half of the real band is back to do it...And yeah, he still has the "chick guitar" --lookin a little scrufty too now...And for Shelly, he had on leather pants and took his shirt off (of course) and he still has the hair (Check Foof's board for her "news" too)...There's a million other people with Jerry details, when they all get back to post them... It was very cool to see Foof, and her patience sharing a room with Rubbermaid containers and boxes was nice, giggles..It was very cool to meet everyone from the board/internet too...And it was great to actually see Jerry LIVE AGAIN, FINALLY with more chances to come too...WOOOOOOHOOOO

Show Review 2:


What can I say it was one of the best nights of my life. It was the first time I got to see Jerry live, on top of the fact that I've never seen Alice either. I got to the show about 6:30 and I got right behind nature and foofur in line so we got to talk a while. It was really cool to finally meet them, very sweet girls. Once inside, we all get pretty much as close as we can and let me tell ya we were damn close, as a matter of fact foofur couldn't have been any closer. She was dodging Jerry's cowboy boots all night! I eventually was right next to her, and Jerry handed both foofur and I a guitar pick apiece, very cool. During the first two warm up bands (they weren't too shabby) my wife, the self proclaimed "nerd", is in the back of slims at the bar reading a book and drinking a sprite when who walks up but the man himself AND SHE DOESN'T KNOW IT!! He's back there getting a drink with this girl (sorry shelly) and they keep bumping in to my wife, the place is packed, and wife is actually getting irritated at my hero. It is not until later in the back alley that my wife sees Jerry and this girl again that she puts two and two together. True story. So Jerry finally comes on and just flat out started kickin ass with two brand new songs. Then came No Excuses and Brother. Everyone was singing along so loud I couldn't even hear Jerry, it was a very nice atmosphere at that point and Jerry was all smiles and really feeding off of it. It was during these 2 songs that I got to touch Jerry's guitar, knee, cowboy boot, you name it ( actually knowing some of you girls please dont!). The new stuff he played was great, definately very Jerry sounding. I'm with nature, "Spiderbite" was a cool song, I liked the slow acoustic country song as well. He finished up with Them Bones and all of us in front were holding on for our lives, we were getting pounded. Poor foofur, I was trying to shield her best I could but it was no use. He ended the song, shook five or six hands, MINE BEING THE LAST ONE HE SHOOK, and that was it. I also got Jerry's half full beer that he left in front of the bass drum (Pacifico was the brand). The only regret was that I didn't see where thooze went. Where did you go man? It was cool talkin with ya (see you Feb.8?). Nature, Foofur and I go to the back door and wait. Every boucer and staff person try and get us to leave but Nature had a bag of goodies for Jer. They evacuate all but us and we finally make it to the alley. We are waiting for him when Lars from Metallica strolls right on between all of us. Unbelievable! Jerry finally comes. I ask to get a picture with him and he was so cool about it. My wife takes 2 pics of me and Jerry but neither one are very good. I'll probably have foo or nature scan them in anyway. I however got the camera from my wife and took about 5 or 6 more and 1 turned out real good with Jerry talking to Nature. It looked so good in fact that it is now an 8x10 on my wall already! I went to the 1 hour developer. I also got a picture with Jerry's black GMC Yukon. Heavy tinted windows, big winch and fog lights in front, caved in left fender, and dirty as hell, my kinda guy. After that we all left smiling. I said goodbye to everyone and that was it. Another little highlight was when Jerry took one of nature's bumper stickers that read "Jerry Cantrell Rock God" and held it up to his chest at the end of the show with his head thrown back. He then proceeded to take the paper off of the back of it and stuck it on a big speaker. Very nice. I hope this account wasn't too long for you all. Hey you said you wanted to know every last detail didn't you? I wish you all could've been there. But as you probably know by now Jer said the new album will be out around March so he will be coming your way soon.

I can't sleep who am I kidding. Since all of you have gone to bed, I'll just talk to myself here. I e-mailed foofur to get her address to send her my pictures so it might take a little while, but I just looked at them again and I have some more decent shots. There's one where he is walking downstairs and I get a good look at the tatoos on his left arm. The tatoos are easy to see because his arm is wrapped around the "goodie bag" nature gave to him. I have another of him decked out in full leather unlocking the door to his Yukon. As he came out the back door I heard him say "let's get the fuck outa here" but he totally obliged us fanatics, didn't rush us off. I also have one of him all sweaty right after the show, and one more taken at a distance while he's playing during the show. While mine are decent, thooze is going to be our best bet for some great pics. The camera he had was high quality. I held it for him once and the thing weighed about 20 lbs. After thooze and I were separated a little, I take a peek back over his way during one of Jerry's rockin songs and I see about 4 guys holding up thooze. Thooze, being bounced around by the multitudes, has that camera jammed in his face taking pictures for us never missing a beat.

Show Review 3:


I went to the show at Slims with the Jerry Cantrell Band, shoke Jerry's hand a few times, that was cool. Got pg two of the lyric sheet for "No Exscuses" that was cool. He palyed a mix of both AIC songs, and new stuff, and solo stuff. "No exscuses" "Got me wrong" "Brother" "track four from sap, the name is slipping right now" one of the new songs sounded a little like "Rotten Apple" it had the same catchy riff. He played a song titled "Atone" he also did the title track from the new album, which I cant recall the name to. "Cut You In" was played, along with a few mellow country-ish stuff from the new album. February 8th he will be in SF again, at a new club. Dont know the name of it, but it will have the same line up "Comes with a Fall" "Swarm" then Jerry. His band was made up of the bassist and drummer from COmes with a Fall, and some other guitar player. He brought out the guitarists for comes with a fall when they played track 4 from SAP, at least it sounded quite similar. Jerry was also wearing these tight, not quite his size leather pants, so we all got to see more of his butt than anyone really wanted to see. But other than that, it was a really good show. Oh yea, His final encore was "Them Bones" which was awesome. OK, I hope to go to the next show, but its on a Thursday, so Ill have to beg and plead. I think that is it.

Show Review 4:


It was an awesome show. He played some new stuff off his album. I thought I heard him say there was a volume 1 & 2 coming out in March. I was surprised when he said he moved to S.F. a few months ago. He had 2 members of Comes from the fall(Opening band) playing with him(Drummer & Bassist). The other guitarist was from a band called M.I.R.V. They played awesome. I can't remember the setlist. These were the songs I can remember:

Also it was announced the same 3 bands would be playing February 8th at a new club opening in S.F. called The Pound. Jerry looked happy to be there playing. During some techical difficulties Jerry played a brief song by Willie Nelson. It was awesome..... I wish everyone could have been there. I'll be going to the Show next month at The Pound.

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