February 8th 2001 - The Pound, San Francisco, California, USA
- Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
- Castaway
- What the Hell Have I
- Hellbound
- Brother
- No Excuses
- She Was My Girl
- Got Me Wrong
- Heaven Beside You
- Cut You In
- Angel Eyes
- What It Takes
- Spiderbite Photo courtesy of naturegirl
- It Ain't Like That More Photos Here
- Them Bones

Source: setlist.fm
Show Review 1:
Photo by Trish Lilley

Hi, Guys!
That was quite a concert! I wanted to write something about it yesterday, but was still recuperating! For one thing, it was LOOOOONG! The doors opened around 8:00 p.m., and there were four bands. Jerry didn't finish his set until after 2:00 a.m.! (Not that I'm complaining, - it was worth it!!!)
Starting band was Comes with the Fall - they're the ones who filled in for Jerry's Band at the 1/12 show at Slim's. Good sound, need to work on stage presence. They were followed by a "new" band, Broken Low. Their sound is a little more "old-fashioned" rock and roll, I thought - maybe a little more upbeat than the norm these days. They definitely need work on presentation - I thought the singer was going to whack the guitar player in the head with his mikestand more than once! The third band, Swarm, is really good - nice & heavy, and they all seem to match each other in intensity - I enjoyed their set. (except that by then, my feet were starting to hurt and the crowd was starting to push - I was in the front row {;) , so was getting pushed against the stage. Not that I'm complaining, mind you...!)
The roadies seemed to work pretty fast to make the complete changes in instruments for each band, so it wasn't too tedious between bands. The Pound is a really small place, and it looks like it's not even quite finished- the stage is really small - those of us in the front were just a few feet away from the performers.
And then it was Jerry! He's cut off the beard and moustache - too bad, but I have to admit he looks more "Jerry-like" this way! The hair's still long, anyway! He started out with a leather shirt and what looked like black velveteen pants, and cowboy boots. He wore a necklace that had a "crown-of- thorns" look to it. He was very much at ease on stage - told several bad jokes while waiting for the guitars to be adjusted (anyone catch the punch line on the Superman joke? I seem to have missed one or two words...)
This time he had the Jerry Cantrell Band - the guy from MIRV, Mike Bordin from Faith No More, and Robert Trujillo on ?-bass? He had another guy doing back up vocals and tambourine, but I didn't catch his name. (He had a small face that resembled Steve Tyler, and really nice black curly hair. Sound familiar to anyone?!)
The songs - Jerry opened again with Howard and Castaway, then did What the Hell Have I? Yes!!! SO GOOD! Then Hellbound, Brother, and No Excuses. OK, I didn't write these down this time, so I'm just going from memory now. He did Got Me Wrong and Heaven Beside You. Then more of his new songs, Angel Eyes and What(ever?)It Takes. He had only two more songs to go, according to the setlist, when they were changing guitars, and this guy walked out on stage and took a guitar up to Jerry. It took just a minute to realize ... it was Lars! So everyone started yelling "Metallica!", then both he and Jerry left the stage. (Hair report: Lars also cut reported moustache and beard, hair is back to just above shoulder-level.)
Everyone shouted "Jer-ry" for awhile, then Jerry came back on and did "It Ain't Like That", finishing up with "Them Bones." It was great! I saw Adam (from the Angry Chair)there, as well as Mary - "Foofurbunny", who made another trip from Hawaii to catch the show! I recognized a few other people there from the show at Slim's, but don't know if anyone else from the Angry Chair was there - if so, what did you think about the show?!
It was a great show, though I'm not sure the 4th band was really needed - course, how else do bands get exposure/experience? Hell, for the cost of admission, it would have been a great show if just Jerry and his band had shown up! I really can't wait to get Jerry's new album - there's not much doubt that "Jerry Cantrell, Rock God" is a "hard rock" God - his new songs are all good, hard rock, some more, some less, and this time he didn't play "Bone" - but I think the new stuff is going to be great!!!!!!
Hope we don't have to wait too long to hear it!
Show Review 2:
Here's what I remember from the show (sorry if you all already know this)...
Location - Pound SF (this was the second night this place was open)
Jerry went on around midnight after Swarm and two other bands.
He played at least four or five new songs that will be on a new double cd that he and drummer Mike Bordin (Faith No More) have been working on. It will be released "in a couple of months." These songs sounded much heavier and darker than Boggy Depot, possibly because Jerry usually plays all his songs heavier live. I think he had a song called Spiderbite and a song called Solitude. They had an obvious Alice in Chains sound with erie guitar riffs and chilling harmony and all the other cliches that music critics use to describe AiC! This was my third time seeing Jerry live (also Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel in Providence and Great Woods in Massachusetts), and the show was awesome. The only song he played from Boggy Depot was "Cut You In". I was a little disappointed that he didn't play more Boggy songs. He more than made up for it on "What the Hell Have I?", "Brother", "Got Me Wrong", "It Ain't Like That", "Them Bones", and "Heaven Beside You". I don't remember any other songs. Jerry told a couple of jokes while the band tuned up and they also fucked around with a Led Zeppelin song. Also to note was just before the band went off before the encore, Lars Ulrich of Metallica came on stage and handed a guitar to Jerry. That was cool. I wonder what it was all about, because Lars didn't say anything or sit in for any songs. At the end of the show as I was waiting for a cab, I saw the bass player jump in his car and drive home, and then Mike Bordin came out, turned his wagon around and loaded his own equipment into his car. Another interesting thing during the show was when Jerry thanked SF for helping to make his experience living here so cool. I bet the double CD is going to be very cool. He said he'd be playing in San Jose March 22.
Show Review 3:
Jerry Junkie:
After getting a little lost, which I knew we would, we found the pound. It was even smaller than slims. We pull in the parking lot and we can ear Jerry warming up, so I peek through the kitchen window and spot Jer with no facial hair. He looked good. He was also wearing addidas shorts, t-shirt, plaid flannel shirt over that, with converse all star hi-tops. ….in the parking lot so we just waited, when he finally came. He looked at me and said "what do you got there?" so I handed him an 8x10 promo pic of Alice. He signed it on my back ( I think we got a pic of that ) and he even drew little horns on himself in the picture, it looks cool. Sinsy and goddes got to shake his hand, nature handed him some stuff and then he bolted. Once inside foof, sinsy, goddes, and I were up front and center (did you expect us any where else?) while nature searched for the nearest pole. Finding none she just hung out to the far left of the stage, but still in the front row. Comes with the Fall was first again. They sounded about 4.7% better than their last show. Then a band called broken low came out, and they were loathsome! They were throwing their cd's into the crowd and people were dodging them. One bounced off this dudes shoulder and landed in my hands, I put in my pocket and later "accidently" left it in the floor board of nature's saturn. Next was swarm and they sounded about the same if not a little worse. …..Then came Jerry and what else can I say, the man is rock and roll perfection in cowboy boots! For all you droolers, he wore black cow hide looking pants and a black leather jacket and of course the boots. To me he sounded better this time but I think that's just because I could hear his vocals this time. The songs I remember that he didn't sing last time were what the hell have I, heaven beide you, I think thats it. He also sang got me wrong, brother, them bones, angel eyes, howard, spider bite, I know I'm missing others but foof grabbed the set list so we are in good hands. I think I got some good pics if they turn out (disposable camera, nuf said). The stage was lower than slims so when Jer played his solos we had to get out of the way of his guitar, it was right about eye level. After the show we bailed, with the way parking was set up I don't know if we would have got to see Jer again, plus it was raining, and we were starving…..My ears are worse off this time than last, but my throat is better. You all should have seen sinsy. She was right in front of jerry's mike stand only about 2 feet away. So the whole night she looks like she is staring at the ceiling with a big shit eatin grin. She catches jerry's eye a couple times, each time along with many other times she looks to the left to find nature. She looks at nature like "look who is standing right in front of me!!"..priceless.