March 13th 2001 - Slim's, San Francisco, California, USA


  1. Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
  2. Castaway
  3. What the Hell Have I
  4. Hellbound
  5. Brother
  6. No Excuses
  7. Got Me Wrong
  8. Heaven Beside You
  9. Cut You In
  10. Spiderbite
  11. Would?
  12. Man in the Box
  13. Photos courtesy of Trey

    Encore More Photos Here

  14. Rock Candy [Montrose] (w/ Mark Osegueda on vocals)
  15. It Ain't Like That
  16. Them Bones (w/ Les Claypool on Bass)


Link to Show Review in Japanese

Show Review 2:


Hey There,

I just got back from Jerry's opening date of the new North American Tour, at Slim's in San Francisco, and I would like to report on the event. This is the 4th time I've seen his show. I was at the Pound show, and the Usual show this year, plus I saw him once in 98, opening for Metallica at Cal Expo in Sacramento. Tonight's show was awesome. I think it's the best I've been to. The Band Order was CWTF, Swarm, and then Jerry. Although, I talked to William (CWTF's singer), and he said that they would be playing 2nd, and Swarm would be opening, at all the other shows, but since this was Swarm's hometown and all, they got to be second tonight. By the way, I LOVE Comes With The Fall!! They are my favorite new up-and-coming band. I had never heard them play before the pound show, but when I heard them there, I immeadiately bought their album, and later a t-shirt at the Usual show, and have hung out with Will and Adam a couple of times. They're great guys. Tonight I was stuck in traffic, so I got there a little late, and missed part of the CWTF set!! :-( However, the 2nd half was great, and they closed with Murder Scene Again. Swarm's set was good, very high energy, but Swarm's singer is just a little too much glam rock for my tastes. However, he does have great stage prescence, and the enthusiasm level he incites from the crowd is awesome (then again, some of that may be due to the fact that they're in their hometown, and Death Angel was huge here) I was right up front the whole time, so several times Mark (the singer), leaned out almost into the crowd, and the people went nuts. They had a few extra minutes at the end, so they played an extra song that wasn't on their setlist. Very nice.Finally, Jerry took the stage. He wasn't backed by his usual cronies tonight. He still had Brian Kehoe on guitar and that backup singer from the Pound show, but instead of Trujillo and Bordin, he had Adam Sanger (bass) and Devin (drummer) from CWTF fill in for them. Also, Kehoe was on the other side of the stage (crowd's right, Jerry's left) tonight, presumably because Adam was playing with 'em instead of Trujillo. The show itself was awesome. The setlist had some nice changeups from the other two shows. He pretty much played the same AIC tunes as before, and again only Cut You In from Boggy (Jerry, if you're reading this, why, oh WHY? won't you play Dickeye or My Song?!?!), but he took out some of the new songs, and instead, closed the main set with WOULD? and MAN IN THE BOX. Incredible, purely incredible. I never thought I would get a chance to hear Would? live, and my god, it did not disappoint. For these two songs, he brought the backup vox guy out to Adam's side of the stage, where he stood and sang in front, doing lead/co-lead vox on Would and MITB. The rest of the show, Jerry also played with his usual ferocity. The crowd was really rough, but they were getting into the music in a big way. The show was incredible enough, but the encore was totally phenomenal. First, Mark Osegueda from Swarm came onstage to sing a cover with Jerry. The song was Rock Candy, I think my Montrose. They took out Jerry's central mic stand, and they stood next too each other front center, and Mark sang holding the mic, while Jerry played lead guitar. Next, back to Jerry singing on It Ain't Like that, like normal. However, right before launching into Them Bones, Jerry surprised everybody and said: "Um, we're gonna bring Les Claypool up on stage". So, with Les taking over Bass duties, they brought the house down with Bones! Great show!

That's It!


Source for review

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