my favorite sites!
jerry sites
Jerry Depot - great resource for the degradation trip era
abdesign - has the BEST collection of photo. very informative site for degradation trip era.
jerry cantrell online - tour dates, news, great resource!
The Degradation of Jerry Cantrell - cool japanese fansite. includes show reviews, pics, news, etc.
breaks my back - great news section and photos
downward - great japanese fansite, cool show reviews.
Into The Flood Again - great article archive
jerrycantrell.prv.pl - english/polish site
Jerry's gear - jerry's gear!
aic sites
crazy4aic - incredible site. online aic museum
AIC...Junkyard dawg - an official aic site
adbdesign's aic site - amazing list of articles, photos, bootlegs, quotes, etc. everything you could ask for.
jar of honey - by lovelayne - japanese/english fansite with reviews, fanart, photos, so many great things on this site
Foofur's Alice In Chains Page - AMAZING site with tour dates, show posters, tabs, photos, history, etc
A Hole in the Webarticles, photos, history, great resource
Them Bones: An Alice In Chains Tribute Page - has show reviews for unplugged and aic's final show!!
Kenneth's ALiCE iN CHAiNS page - brief overview of the band and albums
"Again: An Alice in Chains Homepage" - concert chronolology
Would? - japanese site with rare photos and articles
Serenity is Far Away: The Alice in Chains Fanzine - awesome fanzine
Shame In You: Nadea's Alice In Chains Page - sound clips, articles, photos, etc
Crestfallen - some articles and photos
The River of Deceit - a mad season site
aic tattoos - some cool aic tattoos
Alice In Chains: The Rarities - list of rare demos and unreleased songs
silverchair sites
- The Froggie Pond - everything you want
- silverchair stuff - photos, funny stories, bios, great site
- silvercult - insanity.. (takes a few seconds to load)
- Hiding In The Shade - has everything.
- I'm Silvercharin' It! - articles, news, photos, bios, fun stuff
- Dead Roses - reviews!, pics, articles, bios
- The Stomping Ground - so much stuff on here
- liberate daniel - liberate dan movement
- Cithy's Kingdom - chris army
- The Gillies Warriors
- The Isle of Gillies and The Gillies Fighters - ben army
- danieljohns - a nice daniel site with great articles and photos
- The Freakasty and Silverchair Page - tons and tons of stuff
- Read My Spine - fan stories and poems
- Gena Marie's Silverchair World - articles, timeline, pics, bios
- lauren's silverchair page - photos and cool stuff
- Leaders for us Rejects - pics, bios
- The Freaky Silverchair Page - photos and reviews
- Charlotte's Cemetery - great pics
- SILVERCHAIR: Spawn Again - cute site with fanart, audio, pics, etc
- The Frogshow - reviews, tabs, audio
- silverchair en français - french site that includes diorama era
- Distorted Eyes
- chairpage tabs - tabs for everything frogstomp to neon ballroom including non album songs
- CAST - tabs and gear