Jerry is a huge cat lover! Over the years, he has owned many pets.

According to a fan, she saw Jerry stop his crew so he could pet a stray cat in the street. This was during the 2022 Brighten tour.

Teddi and Dealy

Teddi and Dealy are Jerry's current cats. He has had Teddi and Dealy since around 2018. They are of the cornish rex breed.

Fun fact: Jerry leash trains his cats! Yes.. he takes them on walks.




Cootie first debuted on Jerry's Instagram on May 1st 2024.

We don't know any info on Cootie, besides the fact that they are a cornish rex.


Harold was another cornish rex cat, who passed away during the making of Rainier Fog, in the summer of 2017.

Just like with Teddi and Dealy, Harold was leash trained. Once when on a walk with Harold,

someone asked Jerry, "What's wrong with your dog?"


Sadie was Layne's cat. After Layne passed away, Jerry adopted her.

Sadie can be seen in Jerry's MTV Cribs episode, residing in his Oklahoma family ranch.

She passed away in 2010, at 18 years old. Supposedly she passed on October 8th 2010, a day

that Alice in Chains played a show in Seattle.


Monkey was a Bluetick Coonhound. Jerry mentions Monkey in the song, “Between"

from Boggy Depot, and in the thank you section of the Degradation Trip Vol. 1 & 2 lyric book.

During the 2002 Degradation Trip tour, Jerry was gifted a rock painted to resemble Monkey by a fan named Trish Lilley.

He was very touched by the gift and even got misty eyed.

Jerry with the Monkey rock (photo by Trish Lilley)

Click here to read more of Trish's story!


Osiris was an abyssinian cat, who sadly disappeared while Jerry was touring. (You may see him sometimes incorrectly labeled as Sid)

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